Anti-Intrusion Barrier - Base Navale of Toulon

08 March 2024

OCEAN 3 has won the tender launched by the Etablissement du Service d'Infrastructure de la Défense (ESID) in Toulon for the new set of Anti-Intrusion Barrages for the French Navy's military site in Toulon.

Ocean 3 had already won the contract for the first set of barriers, same type, in June 2016.

These Booms are deployed as part of the National Port Protection Plan "Protecport" to protect a quay, a ship, a port entrance or other areas, with the aim of controlling, restricting or prohibiting access.

The contract won in 2024 by Ocean 3 covers the design and manufacturing of more than 350 floating spheres linked by several kilometres of chains, moored to almost 40 mooring buoys LPT in a network that will regulate maritime flows in the Military Port of Toulon.